Friday, June 4, 2010

When your dog is being an A-hole

Below is a list of pee incidents that just make me shake my head as to this day I still don't believe in the absurdity of it all.

1. Ender wanders over to the couch. Looks at me. Lifts his leg and starts peeing ON THE COUCH.

2. Ender goes into the bedroom. Gets invited onto the bed. Looks at the boyfriend. Starts peeing ON THE BED.

3. Ender sleeping in the bedroom. Wakes up in the middle of the night. Proceeds to pee while RUNNING AROUND THE BEDROOM.

4. Barksdale being carried outside. Stop to lock the front door. Starts peeing DOWN MY LEG.

5. Repeat of number 4.

6. Barksdale playing in the living room. Pees on dog bed number 1. Half hour later, pees on dog bed number 2.

And for the ultimate random pee incident, I give you number 7:

7. Standing in dog park. Random dog runs up behind boyfriend. Lifts leg. Starts peeing ON THE BOYFRIEND.

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