Friday, June 25, 2010

sniff sniff

Some people wake up to the smell of coffee. I wake up to the smell of poo. Admittedly I totally brought this onto myself. I've been trying to figure out what to stuff Barksdale's Kong with and I don't think I'm having any success. Last time the bf went out of town, I stuffed her Kong with all kinds of goodness including peanut butter, natural balance lamb roll pieces, banana, sweet potato, and uh...steak. That set off some epic pooing that has scarred the bf for life. I attributed the epic to chicken apple sausage and vowed that she would never taste chicken again.

Thinking I had learned my lesson, I whittled my Kong stuffing list down to three ingredients:

1. Peanut Butter (I wasn't going to take any chances so I've been using Trader Joe's no sugar no salt peanut butter)
2. Her kibble
3. Chunk of Natural Balance Lamb Roll

But she still poo'd!

So now I'm not sure if it's too much peanut butter (I've limited this to half a spoonful) or the Lamb (sizable chunk but nothing too crazy). But if it's both, what am I going to stuff her Kong with? I need answers internet! Answers!

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