Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Toy Review: Everlasting Treat Ball

In theory, this should be just as exciting as the Kong. It was for a while, until we left Ender alone with the Everlasting Bento Ball for the afternoon and he ate the WHOLE thing. And then proceeded to hurl everywhere. Everlasting my ass.



Because we didn't want to clean up green barf every weekend, we hid that toy safely in the back of the drawer. However, his dog walker did recommend another product called the Everlasting Fun Ball. We use it to feed him his meals, as the dog walker says it might help him with his ADHD. We've used it for about two weeks now and it is still intact. However, the dirt factor is very high with this one as kibble bits are now strewn all over our hallway.

Everlasting Fun Ball:

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