Thursday, April 26, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Text From Dog

The bf sent me the link to this awesome site called Text From Dog.

It is hilarious.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Education is near and dear to the bf's heart and he recently got inspired after reading Seth Godin's recent book Stop Stealing Dreams. He wanted to spread the word about a good cause in a fun and thoughtful way - hence selling bumper stickers for charity!

Now is linked on the "Stop Stealing Dreams" website! Also, the bf has been asking everyone who ordered a bumper sticker to put it somewhere public, take a photo, and send it back to him. In the spirit of things, here is the family is demonstrating their support.


Monday, April 9, 2012

The Fanny Pack

Summer is going to be upon us soon which only means one thing - embarrassing fashion, according to the bf. Since it gets pretty hot here in Oakland during the summer, the dog walking accessories change drastically. In the winter, I can put on the North Face jacket and have enough pockets for poo bags, treats, wallet, phone, and my gigantic ring of keys. Come summer time, all I have on is a tank top and yoga pants.

Last summer, I tried to come up with the best way to carry around all my belongings. The backpack was a bit much and the tote bag a bit too inconvenient while trying to wrangle Ender. Then one day I was surfing the web and came across a photo of Hulk Hogan with a quote from his daughter saying that he never leaves home without his fanny pank. It was then that I realized that Hulk Hogan was a genius.

I scoured the web looking for more fashionable versions and saw that lululemon had been making fanny packs on and off for the past few seasons. 

So after purchasing a fanny pack and using it for a few walks, I decided that it wasn't doing its job very well. One, I really just had too much crap for a fanny pank to hold and comfortably sit on my waist. And two, the pockets weren't open and accessible so I still had to strap a treat bag to the pack. So while it was a worthy effort, I continued on with my search for the ultimate summer dog walking accessory. 

But I leave you with this (actually more for the bf as an "in yo face! fanny packs on the runway!").

Natura Frequent Buyer Program

We buy a 30 pound bag of California Natural Grain Free Lamb every three weeks. And that's only because we feed them under the recommended amount. When we purchased our first bag, our pet store gave us information regarding Natura's frequent buyer program. For every 10 bags of food that you purchase, you earn a free bag. Normally I am waaay too lazy to do things like this until I realized we could earn a free THIRTY POUND BAG of dog food which amounts to about $62. So then I was like "hell yeah!" and became a committed "proof of purchase" collector.

Buying all this dog food always reminds me of those "how much does your pet cost in a lifetime" graphics found on the web. I've seen annual dog food costs estimated between $100 to $350 and I always laugh because I'm sure our annual budget for treats themselves is $100. Based on our current dog food purchase, here is a breakdown of our food costs:

$62 bag of dog food every three weeks
= approximately $1,075 annually for two dogs (um, HOLY SHIT!!)
= approximately $537 annually for one dog

So apparently, one year of Ender and Barksdale's food equals the following:

They're lucky they are so damn cute.

Friday, April 6, 2012


I recant what I said about Ender not causing any trouble a few days ago. Because today, he is officially BUSTED! Here is a photo of him enjoying our couch at home while we toil away at our thankless jobs in order to support him in a lifestyle in which he is accustomed to. Also, I would randomly note, that boy is like all legs.

Product Review: EZ Dog Toothbrush

I don't know why the hell I bought this toothbrush. I might as well have poured some gravy over some dollar bills and fed it to Ender. I think I was too distracted by the pretty colors and the novel design to really think it through on a more practical level. The conversation should've gone like this: "In order to use this toothbrush I will have to simultaneously hold the body to minimize wiggling, lift the lip to get access to some teeth, prop their jaw open so that the brush can fit over their entire tooth, and then continuously keep their jaw open so they don't start chewing on the toothbrush like a little twig." Instead the conversation went like this: "Oh Cool!!! That toothbrush is totally NEAT-O!"

Thursday, April 5, 2012


After leaving Ender the house for the past month or so, we feel fairly confident he will not destroy the house. What I don't get is that despite his freedom, he still greets us with the same fervor as he did when he was crated.

I always chalked up his crazy greeting to the fact that he has been locked in his crate all day. But apparently it's NOT related to his crate at all. I suppose I do find it flattering that Ender greets me with exuberance and always tries to bring me a toy because frankly, that means I'm the fun parent (Hey-oooo!!!).

Anyway back to my original intent of this post. Yesterday I came home to not one but TWO heads trying to nudge their way out of the front door. Barksdale had escaped her crate for the day! Luckily my flat screen tv was still in tact. So therefore I am very proud of them both for not destroying the house. Or each other.

On another note, Ender jumped at the neighbor's kid a few days ago and I was mad at him for an entire night. And yes, I know, it is my fault for not training him better.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012