Thursday, April 5, 2012


After leaving Ender the house for the past month or so, we feel fairly confident he will not destroy the house. What I don't get is that despite his freedom, he still greets us with the same fervor as he did when he was crated.

I always chalked up his crazy greeting to the fact that he has been locked in his crate all day. But apparently it's NOT related to his crate at all. I suppose I do find it flattering that Ender greets me with exuberance and always tries to bring me a toy because frankly, that means I'm the fun parent (Hey-oooo!!!).

Anyway back to my original intent of this post. Yesterday I came home to not one but TWO heads trying to nudge their way out of the front door. Barksdale had escaped her crate for the day! Luckily my flat screen tv was still in tact. So therefore I am very proud of them both for not destroying the house. Or each other.

On another note, Ender jumped at the neighbor's kid a few days ago and I was mad at him for an entire night. And yes, I know, it is my fault for not training him better.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Hey! I'm fun too! (Okay, not really)