Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In my blog surfing, I came across this post about ThunderShirts:

Apparently this "shirt" is akin to swaddling and is supposed to help your dog with anxiety and what not. I am thisclose to getting one for Ender.


Phil said...

Don't do it. Ender just needs more cuddle time with his momma :)

Anonymous said...

I know some people do not like them or say they do not work. However, you could not pry mine from my hands that I use for my severe anxiety pit.
I blame myself for his problems due to I sent him to a trainer when he was young and they absolutely destroyed him. He is five now and on trash truck days, I put it on him an hour or so before they come. On nights when he cannot sleep because he seems to "hear things", it calms him down and he can go back to sleep. I do not use it all the time only when he is severely nervous. He also takes Prozac once a day and that has basically given him his life back. He has been on that for 1 1/2 years. He gets a complete CBC every 6 months, at my demand to the vet. I could go on and on about George, but he is safe, loved very much and my family guards him with our lives.

Matt said...

Do they make them for humans?

Mel said...

@ Phil: Ender hates cuddle time.

@ Susie: I was considering getting one to assist in Ender's training. Sometimes he gets too excited but we have a new backpack coming our way so we're going to try that first.

@ Matt: It's called a snuggie.

Daisy said...

Thanks for the link- we love our Thundershirt. I hope it helps Ender!