Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Product Review: Revolution

Once in a while, my lack of knowledge about certain things amazes me. For example, during our vet visit yesterday, we were asking the vet about how we are still finding ticks on the dogs even though they are on Revolution. The vet then said that the reason is that Revolution is not a tick preventative.

Let's just say my response was along the lines of WTF?!?! So I am the terrible mother that's been sending Ender out to run around in wilderness without tick prevention. Is this what it feels like when you find out your kid is the one with lice?

Anyway, I remember reading up about Revolution when Ender started coming home with ticks and I DISTINCTLY remember reading something about how Revolution is a tick preventative. Reading their website again, it seems that Revolution controls the American Dog tick, which DOES ME NO GOOD because they are commonly found on the eastern side of the US where I am currently not residing.

Which explains why the vet said that Revolution doesn't control ticks.

We are now back on Frontline and a generic version of Heartguard.

What I understand so far is:

Revolution covers fleas and heartworms, but not ticks for us.
Frontline covers fleas and ticks, but not heartworms so we need generic Heartguard.

We asked the vet what else we could do and she told us about the tick collar but she also said it was highly toxic. Um, okay. That was not a great sell.

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