Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You Don't Get No Exotic Meats

We were on a tenuous pet food schedule for a while but that house of cards came tumbling down a few months of ago. The pet store where we get their dog food has to special order it since they don't regularly carry it. However, we like scheduling their food order to be replenished juuuuust when they finish their other bag.

This is a gamble as many factors are in play.

First is the uniform scooping. Remember in home economics, the teacher taught you how to level flour? Well, really I should be applying it to scooping dog food. However, in my sleepy stupor, it really is a miracle I actually remember the correct number of scoops I'm supposed to scoop. Additionally, the bf has to put up with me screech "OMG, those scoops are too full!!!!" in the mornings when the food is low. Second, the dog food must be delivered on time to the pet store.

A few months ago, the pet store didn't receive the dog food shipment. In the midst of me losing it and ranting, whhyyyyy are our dogs so annoying with their special hard to find food????, the bf did the leg work and found another location which actually carried our food.

And last week, I realized...THE VENISON COSTS $5 MORE THAN THE LAMB!

My mind was blown.

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