Monday, September 17, 2012

My Near Stink Experience

I have been MIA in the blogging universe but fear not I am slowly but surely taking my life back from the death grips of work.

Any, here's a funny story to break my way back into the blogosphere.

Speaking of death grips, I was innocently cuddling on the couch with Ender yesterday when he switched positions and I was hit with a punch in the face stinky butt smell. A smell so fierce that I had to at that moment kick him off the couch, throw the fleece blanket into the hamper, and febreeze the couch, and then move the party into the bedroom.

Being the stubborn person that I am, I once again revisited the omnipresent "HOW DOES ONE EMPTY A DOG'S ANAL SACS/GLANDS?" question. Tip to self, watching youtube videos of dogs getting their anal sacs make for good entertainment until it leads you down a dark path of bug abcsess videos.

The next morning, I determinedly threw Ender's ass in the shower and tried my best to empty his sacs. It took some massaging, but it finally emptied. Oh and did I mentioned that it came out as a projectile squirt that missed my head by inches, splattering onto the shower wall?

All this before breakfast. As Fergie would say, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S.

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