Saturday, September 22, 2012

Life Lessons

One very important life lesson I had to learn early on was - always carry 3 poo bags.

When we first got Ender, I started off only carrying 2 poo bags with me. We didn't have one of those poo bag carriers because that would've just been another thing to knock my teeth out when Ender was busy losing his shit, so I would just stuff two poo bags in my pocket. One morning, Ender poo'd twice before we reached the halfway point on our walk.

And then, he poo'd a third time.

Luckily I had a bag of pupperoni treats with me so I had to empty the bag out and use that to scoop up as much poo as I could.

So now I always make sure I have at least three poo bags and though we no longer feed our dogs pupperoni, they will always have my gratitude for helping me out on a jam.

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