Friday, February 4, 2011

Ticks Round 2

Two days ago, I found a HELLA big tick on Ender. I noticed it on his morning walk when I was picking up his poo. All I saw was a giant round blob on his side and upon poking at it and looking at it more carefully, I realized that it was a gigantic bug of some kind. Below is a photo with my thumb for reference - intentionally slightly fuzzy for the faint of heart (ahem, bf, ahem). It is currently chilling in some of bf's scotch. (Note to self, buy rubbing alcohol for more efficient tick drowning.)

Apparently when ENGORGED (full of blood), ticks can increase to size GINORMOUS. Randomly, besides tweezers, another awesome essential tick removal item is antiseptic wipes. When I first started yanking ticks off the dogs, the bite would be super lumpy the following days. But with the antiseptic wipes, the bite is usually less lumpy the next day. Go modern medicine.

Besides finding this ginormous beast, I've had to pull ticks off of Ender and Barksdale's butts. I'm pretty sure that's the closest I will come to playing russian roulette.

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