Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dog-Friendly Fashion

There was a moment in my life that I realized that I needed to dress the part for work. This moment occurred, believe it or not, during my internship in grad school. I was also living in Los Angeles at the time, so not having to walk anywhere helped expand my wardrobe options. I must say that my two years in Los Angeles allowed me to rock a fabulous wardrobe. Then I moved back to the Bay Area. That effectively cut many things, the most notable being heels, from my wardrobe. Two dogs later, my wardrobe has significantly downsized again. I had to learn some of these lessons the hard way but, hey now I know.

1. Wool Coats
If I can't put it in a bag, I don't need it. Wool coat = excess baggage.

2. Flip Flops
Ever been stepped on by an 80 pound dog? I have. It hurts like hell.

3. Dresses
Ever try wrangling a dog wearing a short skirt? I think I ended flashing half of Oakland.

4. Heavy Necklace
I prefer to keep all my teeth.

5. Sunscreen
I think I spent two weeks with my face in a slightly sunburned state before I realized, duh, I need to wear sunscreen

1 comment:

Two Pitties in the City said...

Good post! People don't understand the force an 80 lb dog can have when they step on your feet, between running and having Mr. B step on my feet, I've gotten a couple of bruised toes.