Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Parent Teacher Conference

Barksdale's being put on blast. Apparently Barksdale is being a bigger asshat than Ender on her walks. Who would've imagined. Anyway, she's currently on probation right now until we figure out what her problem is.

Well actually we know what her problem is. Her type A, domineering, and pushy behavior. The result of such behavior may potentially be more money as this is the news we received today:

"I don't mean to alarm you, but one of the things we're discussing is whether it's appropriate to have Barksdale in a group, or whether she needs 1:1 walks instead."

As of right now, our task is to make sure she plays nicer with Ender. If she doesn't get better, we might have to shell out the big bucks for one on one walks.

Therefore, I have put winning the lottery on my "to do" list so I can send these dogs off to get them professionally trained. Ha!

1 comment:

Two Pitties in the City said...

Oh, this sounds so much like the old Miss M. I think when they're young they're just immature until they finally get it out of their system. Good luck!