Thursday, November 14, 2013

No Joke Yo!

Life events in recent months have highlighted that having two pittie dogs is no joke yo. Supporting anecdotes provided below:

1. We sold the condo. Cue to convo between me and P with me blubbering "but this is the first home our babies have ever knoooooowwwnn!!! They will be soooo sad, sooooo sad." In reality, the dogs were stoked because they got to stay at their Aunty A's house over moving weekend.

2. We moved into a rental. A STUDIO. The four of us are sharing one giant room. We are all still alive.  Nobody has tried to off anyone in their sleep yet. Our adventure in finding this rental will have its own post. Because the story is THAT interesting? No, because I just need to whine for approximately three paragraphs.

3. I got a new job. Do other people factor their dogs into the potential job search? Obviously my dream job would allow me to work from home all day so I can spend the entire day with them, but since I couldn't swing that, I was aiming for a job that had more stable hours. Also, I'm not that good at leaving work at work, so I was looking for something where the bullshit could be left at work.

4. We are looking for a house. When I look at backyards, I think...oh no, that's not going to work for Ender. He's going to crawl into the crevice and just be covered in dirt. Yeah, I know. Who's THAT crazy dog lady?

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