Monday, January 24, 2011

It's been that kind of morning...

Ender and I were on our morning walk when I stopped in front of a driveway to practice one of our exercises. I am working on training our dogs so that when I stop walking, they stop, sit, and look at me. So as Ender sat and looked at me, I hear a deep voice saying "excuse me ma'am."

I literally stared at Ender and, if Ender could talk, that would be EXACTLY what he would sound like. Then I hear the voice again and at this point, it was feeling a bit twilight zone-esque, until I realize that the voice was coming from a neighbor who was standing behind me, who's driveway we were blocking.

1 comment:

jen said...

I think the same thing about my dog Tsuki when I hear Eartha Kitt talk in a movie/song :)