One of my New Years resolutions was to be a better doggy mama. Part of that entails me taking the doggies on more adventures on the weekends as opposed to sitting on the couch and watching tv all day. During these adventures, I began to realize that Ender has gotten pretty lazy in his old age. We would try to play fetch with him, only to have him go lay down after about three throws. Granted that he has always been a bit ambivalent towards us, this lack of activity made us wonder if he even moves at all during his walks. Evidence also shows that he enjoys his "lay down time."

Ender's dogwalker, Lucia, titled this next photo:
"Ender was ignoring Ursula today for his stick. She was not happy about that."

All photos courtesy of awesome dog walker
"Old Age'? How old is Ender? It's been so hard for us to do things with the dogs on the weekend because of the cold and darkness. It does sound like a good resolution.
He's the ripe old age of 2 years and some change. Compared to when we first got him, he's an old man! hahaha
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