Monday, November 29, 2010

Bread Please.

I woke up early one morning over the weekend to walk the dogs. I was all set to start something in the slow cooker when I discovered I was missing an onion. The bf was still sleeping and Whole Foods is actually just down the street, so I decided to slip out quickly to pick one up.

We've been giving Ender a little taste of freedom now and then and since I was only going to be gone for a little bit, I left Ender the living room. When I came back, I discovered an empty bag on the floor surrounded by some crumbs. It turns out Ender ate A WHOLE LOAF OF BREAD.

I seriously would not believe it, so I looked around the entire living room looking for a loaf of bread. When I couldn't find it, I had to wake the bf up and ask him to look for it. But we never found it. When I came to terms that Ender did indeed eat A WHOLE LOAF OF BREAD, I slightly lost my shit and though omg, the bread is going to expand and he's going to explode.

After googling this, I felt a little bit better about him not dying, and ended up quarantining him in case he barfed or got hit with the runs.

Turns out, he was completely fine.

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