The original rug we had was a DwellStudio for Target rug that we purchased on sale. Since it was on sale, I didn't mind splurging for shipping. The total came out to be about $50 for a 5x8' 100% wool rug. Now that's what I'm talking about.

The other reason why it was so inexpensive was because it's marketed as a rug for a baby's room. After looking through Target's other rug offerings, it seems that babies apparently have better taste than grown ups. Anyway, now we are currently contemplating what to do with the living room. The possibilities are as follows:
1. No area rug
The awesomeness of not having an area rug is not having something that the dogs can potentially destroy. The not so awesome part is walking on the cold floor in the winter. Bleh.
2. New rug of similar quality and price
Man, it's hard finding a 5x8' rug for under $100. (Well, that is 100% wool and plush - girl's got some standards.) I looked through Target's website again and am currently contemplating another DwellStudio for Target rug. The cost is about $80 with potential for free shipping. (I love myself some free shipping.)

3. Flor tiles
The freedom to clean or replace one 19.7x19.7" tile of rug is very appealing. But I wonder how hard it is to move the tiles. I mean, if I wanted to move the rug, I would have to untack all the squares and re-tack them. I don't know if I'm ready for that level of commitment that is required to tacking stuff onto the floor. In addition, I like plush. Not office style carpet, PLUSH.
Decisions, Decisions.
Haha don't tell Phil, but one day Barksdale did pee on the rug and I just cleaned it up real good and didn't tell cause I didn't want her to get in trouble! So I say yay for new rug!
We like the FLOR tiles because if something awful does happen to it, you can just move or change out that tile. We haven't tried moving the whole rug, but each piece moves easily. Plus, they're really durable for dogs.
@Kali: OMG, busted Auntie Anna!
@TwoPitties: Where do you get your FLOR tiles? I was looking at CB2, but those tiles there are more than I'm looking to pay. I was thinking of maybe just ordering some sale ones off their website but am kind of nervous about it because I know FLOR tiles have such subtle designs to them that might not show through on the internet.
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