Do you ever watch earlier episodes of the Dog Whisperer where he uses those $0.25 leashes or turns their regular leash upside down to use, and the leash always stays on the top of the dog's head? This doesn't happen in real life! Or maybe it only happens if you are Cesar Milan.
Anyway, this lead accomplishes that purpose, where it stays high on the dog's head, maximizing your control. There's a little leather tab on the lead which helps to hold the position. It's seriously like magic.
The jury is still out regarding this lead. We normally use a prong collar (I'll save that post for later) and originally Ender's dog walker advised having the Mendota lead for special cases where he jumps, but keeping his prong collar and regular lead as his usual walking attire. At that point, it was just too much stuff going on.
I've actually tried just using the Mendota lead for walks, but I'm not sure that this lead works well for Ender. Although the lead is extremely well made, the fact that the lead is shaped like a rope makes it harder to hold onto. In addition, it just doesn't feel as sturdy as the Planet Dog leash we have. A big part of this is probably mental on my end, but I like to feel secure when I'm walking a giant jumpy dog around the neighborhood.
I've never heard about this before, but I'm interested to hear how this works compared with the prong. We had been with the prong, and now we're back to the harness which has been working, though sometimes when Miss M sees people she wants to meet, I wish she was on the prong again.
I think I like the idea of the Mendota more than how it works in practice. When Ender jumps, we just pull up to put him in a sit so, in that respect it's easier to do than with his prong collar.
However, on walks, I feel there's more need to give him a sideways tug to remind him that he needs to start walking with us. I feel that the Mendota isn't so great for that since it literally is just a piece of rope around his neck. In addition, Ender has trouble paying attention when we're outside, so we just end up tugging on the Mendota while he ignores us. (Sometimes I don't think he even feels us tugging on the Mendota actually.)
I feel that that the Mendota would be okay to use if Ender paid attention to us more on the walks and jumped occasionally. But right now, we're sticking to his prong collar.
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